Over 15,000 WordPress Plugins and Themes

WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce (Premium)


WPC Grouped Product helps you made up standalone products that are presented as a group.

Introducing the WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce, a premium WordPress plugin designed to enhance your online store’s functionality and boost sales. This powerful plugin allows you to create and manage grouped products effortlessly, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

With WPC Grouped Product, you can easily bundle related products together, allowing customers to purchase multiple items in one go. Whether you want to offer a set of matching accessories or create product bundles for promotional purposes, this plugin has got you covered. The intuitive interface enables you to set up and customize grouped products with ease, saving you time and effort.

This plugin also offers advanced features to enhance your customers’ shopping experience. You can display grouped products in a visually appealing way, with options for customizing the layout and design. Additionally, you can set different pricing options for grouped products, such as fixed prices or dynamic pricing based on individual product prices. With WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce, you can take your online store to the next level and provide your customers with a seamless and convenient shopping experience.

Get WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce (Premium), plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce (Premium), plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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