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WooCommerce Order Status Control


Automatically change order status to complete for all orders or just virtual orders when payment is successful

Introducing the WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin, the ultimate solution for managing and customizing order statuses in your WooCommerce store. This powerful plugin empowers you to take complete control over your order management process, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for both you and your customers.

With WooCommerce Order Status Control, you can easily create and customize order statuses to match your unique business requirements. Whether you need to add new statuses, modify existing ones, or even delete unnecessary ones, this plugin offers a user-friendly interface that makes it a breeze to manage. You can also assign specific colors to each status, allowing you to visually distinguish between different order stages at a glance.

Furthermore, this plugin enables you to automate order status changes based on specific triggers. You can set up rules to automatically update order statuses when certain conditions are met, such as payment confirmation, shipment tracking, or customer feedback. This automation saves you valuable time and effort, streamlining your order processing and ensuring accurate and timely updates for your customers.

Take control of your WooCommerce order management with the WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin and provide a seamless and efficient experience for both you and your customers.

Get WooCommerce Order Status Control, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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