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Sensei Content Drip


Control access to Sensei lessons by scheduling them to become available after a determined time.

Introducing Sensei Content Drip, the ultimate WordPress plugin designed to revolutionize your online course delivery. With Sensei Content Drip, you can effortlessly schedule and control the release of your course content, ensuring a structured and engaging learning experience for your students.

This powerful plugin allows you to drip-feed your course material over time, enabling you to deliver lessons, modules, or chapters at specific intervals. By strategically releasing content, you can prevent overwhelming your students with too much information at once, keeping them motivated and focused on each step of their learning journey.

Sensei Content Drip offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options. You can easily set the time intervals between content releases, whether it’s daily, weekly, or any other schedule that suits your course structure. Additionally, you have the freedom to choose which user roles have access to specific content, allowing you to create exclusive content for different membership levels or offer early access to premium subscribers.

With Sensei Content Drip, you can take your online courses to the next level by delivering content in a controlled and engaging manner. Empower your students with a structured learning experience and maximize their success rates. Get started with Sensei Content Drip today and unlock the full potential of your online courses.

Get Sensei Content Drip, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Sensei Content Drip, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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