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Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium)


Visitor and conversion value tracking for WooCommerce. Highly optimized for data accuracy.

Introducing Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium), the ultimate WordPress plugin designed to optimize your online store’s performance and boost your sales. This powerful tool allows you to effortlessly manage and track your Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics code, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis for your marketing campaigns.

With Pixel Manager for WooCommerce, you can easily install and configure your Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics code without any coding knowledge. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually inserting codes into your website’s header or footer. This plugin seamlessly integrates with your WooCommerce store, automatically adding the necessary tracking codes to every page, product, and checkout.

Not only does Pixel Manager for WooCommerce simplify the setup process, but it also provides advanced features to enhance your marketing efforts. Track conversions, measure the effectiveness of your ads, and gain valuable insights into your customers’ behavior. With this plugin, you can optimize your advertising campaigns, retarget visitors, and drive more sales. Take control of your WooCommerce store’s analytics with Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium) and unlock the full potential of your online business.

Get Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium), plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium), plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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