Over 15,000 WordPress Plugins and Themes

Paid Memberships Pro – Pay by Check Add On


A collection of customizations useful when allowing users to pay by check for Paid Memberships Pro levels.

Introducing the Paid Memberships Pro – Pay by Check Add On, a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance your membership website by offering a convenient payment option for your users. With this add-on, you can now provide your members with the flexibility to pay for their subscriptions using traditional check payments.

This plugin seamlessly integrates with your existing Paid Memberships Pro setup, allowing you to easily enable the pay by check option for your membership levels. By offering this alternative payment method, you can cater to a wider audience who may prefer the security and familiarity of check payments.

The Pay by Check Add On simplifies the payment process by generating printable invoices for your members, complete with all the necessary details for check payments. Users can simply select the pay by check option during the checkout process, and they will receive an invoice via email. This plugin also provides you with the ability to track and manage check payments, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment experience for both you and your members. Upgrade your membership website today with the Paid Memberships Pro – Pay by Check Add On and provide your users with a convenient and secure payment option.

Get Paid Memberships Pro – Pay by Check Add On, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Paid Memberships Pro – Pay by Check Add On, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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