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MainWP Staging Extension


MainWP Staging Extension allows you to create and manage Staging sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard.

The MainWP Staging Extension is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create a staging environment for your website with just a few clicks. With this extension, you can easily test and make changes to your website without affecting the live version. Whether you want to update themes, plugins, or make design modifications, the staging environment provides a safe space to experiment and ensure everything works perfectly before going live.

This plugin offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to clone your website to a staging environment effortlessly. You can then make changes, test new features, and troubleshoot any issues without worrying about breaking your live site. The MainWP Staging Extension also enables you to push changes from the staging environment to the live site with ease, ensuring a smooth transition. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, this plugin is a must-have for WordPress website owners who value efficiency and want to maintain a flawless online presence.

In addition to its staging capabilities, the MainWP Staging Extension also provides advanced features such as database merging, allowing you to merge changes made in the staging environment back to the live site seamlessly. It also offers the option to exclude specific files or folders from the cloning process, giving you full control over what gets copied to the staging environment. With regular updates and excellent customer support, the MainWP Staging Extension is a reliable and indispensable tool for WordPress developers, agencies, and website owners who prioritize a smooth and risk-free website management process.

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Get MainWP Staging Extension, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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