Over 15,000 WordPress Plugins and Themes

Give – Recurring Donations


Adds support for recurring (subscription) donations to the GiveWP donation plugin.

Introducing Give – Recurring Donations, the ultimate WordPress plugin designed to revolutionize the way you accept and manage recurring donations on your website. With this powerful tool, you can effortlessly set up and manage recurring donation campaigns, allowing your supporters to make regular contributions to your cause.

Give – Recurring Donations offers a seamless and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both you and your donors to navigate. You can customize donation forms to match your website’s branding, ensuring a cohesive and professional look. The plugin also provides various payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe, allowing your donors to choose their preferred method of payment.

One of the standout features of Give – Recurring Donations is its robust reporting and analytics capabilities. You can track and analyze donation trends, monitor campaign performance, and gain valuable insights into your donor base. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions and optimize your fundraising efforts for maximum impact.

With Give – Recurring Donations, you can streamline your donation process, increase donor engagement, and ultimately drive more sustainable funding for your organization or cause. Start harnessing the power of recurring donations today and make a lasting difference in the world.

Get Give – Recurring Donations, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Give – Recurring Donations, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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