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Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce


Allow your shop customers to donate at the cart or checkout in WooCommerce.

Introducing Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce, the ultimate plugin to enhance your online store’s donation capabilities. Designed specifically for WooCommerce, this powerful tool allows you to effortlessly upsell donations during the checkout process, maximizing your fundraising potential.

With Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce, you can easily create customizable upsell offers that prompt customers to add a donation to their purchase. Whether it’s a fixed amount or a percentage of their total, you have full control over the upsell options. The plugin seamlessly integrates with your WooCommerce store, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience for both you and your customers.

Not only does Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce boost your revenue, but it also helps you make a positive impact on the causes you support. By encouraging customers to contribute to your chosen charities or initiatives, you can amplify your philanthropic efforts and create a sense of community around your brand. So, why wait? Install Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce today and take your online store’s fundraising to new heights.

Get Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Give – Donation Upsells for WooCommerce, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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