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Donation For Woocommerce


Donation For WooCommerce extension enables you to add “donation” as a regular WooCommerce product without any efforts to create it.

Introducing Donation For Woocommerce, a powerful WordPress plugin designed to seamlessly integrate a donation feature into your WooCommerce online store. With this plugin, you can easily enable your customers to make voluntary contributions towards a cause or charity of their choice during the checkout process.

Donation For Woocommerce offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to customize the donation options according to your specific needs. You can set predefined donation amounts or allow customers to enter their desired donation value. Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose whether to display the donation feature on the cart page, checkout page, or both.

This plugin not only enhances the user experience but also empowers your customers to make a positive impact through their purchases. By enabling donations, you can create a sense of social responsibility and encourage your customers to support causes they care about. With Donation For Woocommerce, you can effortlessly integrate a donation feature into your online store and make a difference in the world.

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Get Donation For Woocommerce, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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