Over 15,000 WordPress Plugins and Themes

wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging


Adds comment reporting and flagging features. Auto-moderates comments based on number of reports and flags.

Introducing wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging, the ultimate WordPress plugin designed to enhance user engagement and moderation on your website. This powerful tool allows your users to report and flag inappropriate comments, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

With wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging, you can easily enable a user-friendly reporting system that empowers your audience to take an active role in maintaining the quality of discussions. Users can flag comments that violate your community guidelines or contain spam, offensive language, or any other objectionable content. This plugin provides a seamless and intuitive interface, making it effortless for users to report problematic comments with just a few clicks.

Furthermore, wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging equips you with robust moderation features. As an admin, you’ll receive instant notifications whenever a comment is flagged, allowing you to promptly review and take appropriate action. You can easily manage reported comments, edit or delete them, or even ban users if necessary. This plugin ensures that your website remains a safe and welcoming space for all users, fostering healthy discussions and promoting a positive user experience. Upgrade your WordPress website today with wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging and revolutionize the way you moderate user-generated content.

Get wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get wpDiscuz – Report and Flagging, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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