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WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients


Stores multiple email addresses for each customer.

The WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients plugin is a powerful tool designed to enhance the communication capabilities of your online store. With this plugin, you can easily configure multiple email recipients for various WooCommerce notifications, ensuring that all relevant parties are promptly informed about important updates and transactions.

Gone are the days of manually forwarding emails or relying on a single recipient to handle all notifications. This plugin allows you to effortlessly add multiple email addresses to receive order confirmation emails, customer notifications, and even low stock alerts. Whether you need to keep your team members in the loop or notify different departments about specific orders, this plugin offers the flexibility and convenience you need.

Not only does the WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients plugin streamline your communication process, but it also helps improve customer satisfaction. By ensuring that the right people receive timely notifications, you can provide faster responses to customer inquiries, resolve issues more efficiently, and ultimately deliver a better shopping experience. With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with WooCommerce, this plugin is a must-have for any online store looking to optimize their email communication system.

Get WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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