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Tickera Mailchimp


Tickera MailChimp Newsletter add-on allows you to send marketing emails, automated messages, and targeted campaigns to your customers.

Introducing Tickera Mailchimp, the ultimate WordPress plugin designed to seamlessly integrate your Tickera event ticketing system with Mailchimp’s powerful email marketing platform. With this plugin, you can effortlessly synchronize your Tickera event attendees’ data with your Mailchimp subscriber lists, allowing you to effectively communicate and engage with your audience before, during, and after your events.

Tickera Mailchimp offers a range of features to streamline your email marketing efforts. Firstly, it enables you to automatically add event attendees to specific Mailchimp lists based on their ticket purchases, ensuring that you can target your email campaigns to the right audience segments. Additionally, the plugin allows you to customize the data fields that are synchronized between Tickera and Mailchimp, giving you full control over the information you collect and utilize for your marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, Tickera Mailchimp provides real-time synchronization, ensuring that any updates or changes made to attendee data in Tickera are immediately reflected in your Mailchimp lists. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and guarantees that your email lists are always up to date. With Tickera Mailchimp, you can maximize the potential of your event ticketing system by seamlessly integrating it with Mailchimp’s robust email marketing capabilities, ultimately driving higher attendance rates and enhancing your overall event experience.

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Get Tickera Mailchimp, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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