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Taxonomy by User Role for Calendarize it!


Configure Taxonomy availability to users, and what Taxonomy term users can post to. Works with both default taxonomies Calendar, Venue and Organizer and any custom taxonomy.

Introducing the Taxonomy by User Role plugin for Calendarize it! This powerful WordPress plugin allows you to easily manage and organize your events and calendars based on user roles. With this plugin, you can assign specific taxonomies to different user roles, ensuring that each user sees only the relevant events and calendars.

With Taxonomy by User Role, you can create custom taxonomies such as categories, tags, or any other taxonomy you desire, and assign them to specific user roles. This means that you can have separate taxonomies for different user groups, such as administrators, editors, or subscribers. By doing so, you can provide a personalized and streamlined experience for each user, displaying only the events and calendars that are relevant to them.

This plugin also offers a seamless integration with the powerful Calendarize it! plugin, allowing you to take full advantage of its extensive features and functionalities. Whether you are managing a complex event website with multiple user roles or simply want to provide a tailored experience for your users, the Taxonomy by User Role plugin for Calendarize it! is the perfect solution.

Get Taxonomy by User Role for Calendarize it!, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Taxonomy by User Role for Calendarize it!, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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