Over 15,000 WordPress Plugins and Themes

GamiPress – Leaderboards


Add leaderboards to intensify the gamification of your site.

Introducing GamiPress – Leaderboards, the ultimate WordPress plugin that takes your website’s gamification to the next level! With this powerful tool, you can easily create and manage engaging leaderboards to motivate and reward your users. Whether you run an online course, a membership site, or an e-commerce platform, GamiPress – Leaderboards is the perfect solution to boost user engagement and drive competition.

This plugin offers a seamless integration with GamiPress, the leading gamification plugin for WordPress. With GamiPress – Leaderboards, you can effortlessly track and display user progress, achievements, and points on dynamic leaderboards. Customize the leaderboards to match your website’s branding and choose from a variety of display options, including top users, top earners, or even specific user groups. You can also set up automatic updates to keep the leaderboards constantly refreshed, ensuring a real-time and interactive experience for your users.

GamiPress – Leaderboards also provides a range of powerful features to enhance user engagement. You can award badges, points, or even virtual currency to top performers, encouraging healthy competition and motivating users to reach new milestones. The plugin also offers extensive customization options, allowing you to define the criteria for leaderboard rankings and set up multiple leaderboards for different activities or user groups. With GamiPress – Leaderboards, you can transform your website into an exciting and interactive platform that keeps users coming back for more.

Get GamiPress – Leaderboards, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get GamiPress – Leaderboards, plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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