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Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA)


Provides a way to change the labels in Calendarize it! default Taxonomimes; Calendar, Venues and Organizers.

Introducing the Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA) WordPress plugin, the ultimate tool for customizing and personalizing your calendar taxonomy labels effortlessly. This powerful plugin allows you to take full control over the labels used in your Calendarize it! plugin, giving you the flexibility to tailor them to your specific needs.

With Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA), you can easily modify the labels for taxonomies such as categories, tags, and custom taxonomies, ensuring they align perfectly with your website’s branding and style. Whether you want to change the default “Categories” label to “Event Types” or replace “Tags” with “Keywords,” this plugin makes it a breeze.

The intuitive user interface of Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA) makes the customization process a walk in the park. Simply select the taxonomy you wish to modify, enter your desired label, and save the changes. The plugin seamlessly integrates with Calendarize it!, ensuring that your customized labels are reflected accurately throughout your calendar, providing a cohesive and professional look. Take your calendar customization to the next level with Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA) and create a unique and tailored experience for your website visitors.

Get Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA), plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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Get Customize Taxonomy Labels for Calendarize it! (BETA), plus thousands more plugins and themes for one single price!


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