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MainWP Dashboard Lock Extension


MainWP Dashboard Lock Extension is a simple yet powerful Extension that allows you to limit access to WP-Admin and even redirects non-wp-admin pages to a different site making your MainWP Dashboard virtually invisible.

The MainWP Dashboard Lock Extension is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance the security of your website by adding an extra layer of protection to your MainWP Dashboard. With this extension, you can easily restrict access to your MainWP Dashboard, ensuring that only authorized users can access and manage your WordPress sites.

This plugin offers a range of features to help you secure your MainWP Dashboard. You can set up a lockout period, which automatically locks the dashboard after a specified number of failed login attempts, preventing brute force attacks. Additionally, you can enable IP whitelisting, allowing only specific IP addresses to access the dashboard. This feature is particularly useful if you want to limit access to your MainWP Dashboard to a specific team or location.

With the MainWP Dashboard Lock Extension, you can have peace of mind knowing that your MainWP Dashboard is protected from unauthorized access. Whether you are managing multiple WordPress sites or running a large team, this plugin is an essential tool to ensure the security and integrity of your website management system.

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